Monday 22 February 2016

Yeezy | Season 3

This mornings lecture was constructed around collaborations and the collaboration particularly focused on was Adidas X Kanye West - Yeezy season 3. This collection designed by Kanye West for Adidas, made its debut during New York Fashion Week at Madison Square Garden on February 11th. This Thursday afternoon had been highly anticipated, as not only did it mark the unveiling of the third Yeezy collection, this event was also the global premiere for Wests new album 'The Life of Pablo'. As expected the Kardashian clan attended the show in full force to support Kanye and in true Kardashian style they were dressed impeccably, head to toe in a neutral colour palette of fur and embellishment thanks to their dear friend, designer Oliver Rousteing. Of course the Kardashians weren't the only famous faces amongst the audience of 18,000+, celebrities including the likes of Karlie Kloss, Jay Z, Oliver Rousteing and 50 Cent were all present at the show.

The Kardashian clan at the Yeezy Season 3 show 
Back in December last year, West teased his Twitter followers tweeting 'I'm finishing my album and my next collection...' and since then posted a string of tweets regarding the album and collection leaving us on tender hooks patiently waiting the release of his work. West has used social media site Twitter as his main source of advertisement for both his Yeezy Season 3 collection and the 'Life of Pablo' album which I feel has been really effective, by constantly dropping hints and teasers regarding his work, he has been able to keep Twitter users engaged, intrigued and interested which is really important. It would seem West is planning on using Twitter again to promote his Yeezy Season 4 collection, just over a week after the Season 3 show took place West took to Twitter to post an image of a bird along with the caption 'Loving this mood for SEASON 4', does this guy ever rest?

Windbreaker jacket received by press 
Every aspect of this show had been constructed in true Kanye style and the press invites were no disappointment, the package included a vacuum packed windbreaker jacket, which West himself had previously sported at LAX airport. Kanye made sure that there was hype surrounding absolutely everything during the run up to the New York Fashion Week show and he even managed to achieve this through something as simple as a press invite which I think is truly commendable. If you weren't lucky enough to receive a press invite through the post but wanted to get your hands on a Yeezy Season 3 ticket you had to be quick, they completely sold out within just 10 minutes. However fans had the opportunity to live stream the show through an app called Tidal or even watch the show at select cinemas worldwide, so quite frankly you had no need to worry Kanye had all bases covered. It wasn't enough for West to simply unveil his new collection and album during one show, as the event came to a close he announced that he has been working on a video game 'Only One'. He explained 'The idea of the game is, my Mom travelling through the gates of heaven'. This event was far from your average conventional fashion show which I love, by introducing both his video game and new album alongside his collection was innovative, original and on Wests part I feel a very smart move. Cramming in as much as possible into his show, was a great way for West to showcase and promote all of his current work and ensure that the Yeezy Season 3 show is most definitely one to be remembered and talked about.

Yeezy Season 3 show 
I personally feel this collaboration has been really successful. I feel that Kanye West is the perfect celebrity to collaborate with Adidas, he gives an edgier, cooler, more prestigious feel to the brand and his presence, particularly on Twitter can undoubtably not be ignored therefore along with his association with Kardashians he is a truly capable promoter, making him the ideal candidate for a brand to collaborate with. However, having said this I feel that the collaboration should include more reference to Adidas, it's easy to forget that Adidas is even part of this collaboration due to the very little mention of the brand. What are your thoughts is Adidas X Kanye West - Yeezy Season 3 a successful collaboration?

Love, Isabella x

Photo Credits: Google Images 

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